Northeast FYSPRT

FYSPRT stands for- Family, Youth, System, Partner, Roundtable. FYSPRT is a gathering of youth, family, community, and system partners, engaging in conversations to improve community-based behavioral health approaches. As a recipient, provider or administrator of public mental health services you have an important perspective and your voice is needed to help with real system change. The FYSPRT Roundtables are your opportunity to be sure that your voice is heard. The family, youth, and system partner roundtables are designed for all participants to work together in equal partnership to help make systems better for families and youth.

Passages Family Support is a convenor for the Northeast FYSPRT. On the first Thursday of most months, Passages hosts Northeast FYSPRT’s monthly roundtable meeting between families, youth, system partners, and anyone else that wants to impact public mental health services. This is open/free to the public. Meetings are held from 4:00PM – 5:30 (catered). If you would like to attend or want more information, please call 509-892-9241.

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