COVID-19 Tips & Resources
Passages Family Support is following the infection prevention guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control for the coranavirus (COVID-19). Effective March 17, 2020 for everyone’s safety, Passages will be conducting all intakes and individual/group sessions through either phone calls or video chats. We will continue to post relevant and reliable information about COVID19 and local resources. If you have any questions, please call 509-892-9241.
As we continue to provide care to our clients, we share the following CDC prevention guidelines:
-Wash your hands often with soap and water
-Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue
-Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
-It is advised to have at least 2 weeks of non-perishable supplies
-Please stay home if you feel even just a little sick
Below are some great resources offering tips to those staying home- as well as general information/updates on COVID-19
National Federation for Families – Home Resource (Facebook page)
National Federation for Families – Home Resource (Pinterest page)
Spokane County Emergency Food Outlets (image)
What to do if you were potentially exposed to someone with confirmed coronavirus disease (image)
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (website)
Tips for social distancing-quarantine and isolation (PDF)
Washington State Department of Health (website)
Tips for keeping kids busy from the Spokesman Review (PDF)
Information from Avista Utilities During COVID-19 (word)
Food Banks in Spokane County (word)
Unemployment Tutorial due to COVID-19 (PDF)
Starting 3/18/20, Spokane Public Schools will distribute grab-and-go meals for any child up to age 18, as well as anyone enrolled in high school under age 21. The district hopes to expand the number of distribution sites next week. The meals, which will consist of a lunch and breakfast together, will be available from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday at these (sites)
More Community Resources/ Office Hours/ Phone Numbers
Coronavirus Rumor Control-FEMA (webiste)
Free Educational Websites for Parents Homeschooling (image)
Taking Care of Your Emotional Health- CDC (website)
- Mental Health Treatment and Support
- Crisis and Suicide Risk
- Substance Use
- Child Abuse or Neglect
- Domestic/Family Violence
- Access to Food
- Parenting
Requests for Meals & Emergency Food Boxes- Spokane Food Fighters (website)
SAMSA – Substance Abuse & Mental Health Administrator Map (website)